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A New Chapter for dot.LA

A New Chapter for dot.LA


A New Chapter for dot.LA

Dear friends of dot.LA,

Over four years ago, Spencer and I co-founded dot.LA with a mission that was close to our hearts: to shine a spotlight on the burgeoning tech and startup community here in Los Angeles. Since then, we have been privileged to serve as storytellers, advocates, and connectors. dot.LA has published thousands of articles reaching millions of readers, and hosted events that have brought together thousands from our vibrant community.

As we close the second annual LA Tech Week, we're filled with pride and admiration for the incredible strides this community has made. The success of LA Tech Week – which dot.LA is proud to be a founding member of – and the tremendous turnout at our own LATW event, SUPERCHARGE LA, serve as a testament to the vitality and innovation of the Los Angeles tech ecosystem. These achievements reflect the very essence of our mission at dot.LA, and we believe this thriving community is proof that Los Angeles is, indeed, a global hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.

However, business, as in life, requires constant adaptation and evolution. Today, we are announcing two significant changes that will shape the future course of dot.LA.

First, we are refining our editorial focus to better serve our readers. We will be transitioning from our current broad news coverage to concentrate on our newsletter, with a primary focus on profiling and highlighting the great LA tech companies that are shaping our future.. We are excited about this change and confident that it will provide you with a deeper, more intimate look at the inspiring work being done in our community. Expect to see these changes roll out when our newsletter relaunches later this summer.

Second, I am going to be stepping back from my day-to-day role as CEO at dot.LA to focus on a new venture in the AI space. This decision wasn't made lightly, but I believe it is the right one for both me personally, and for the future of dot.LA. Rest assured that I remain deeply committed to dot.LA's mission and vision, and will remain involved in a strategic capacity going forward. My colleague from dot.LA’s lead investor and incubator, 75 & Sunny Ventures, Wil Chockley, will be joining dot.LA as CEO. Many of you may know Wil in his role investing alongside dot.LA co-founder, Spencer Rascoff (dot.LA’s co-founder and Chair) and we are excited to welcome him to the company.

As ever, our focus remains firmly on serving our community and amplifying the voice of LA's tech community. We are confident that these changes will help us to better fulfill that mission and continue our exciting growth trajectory.

We are incredibly grateful for the support and engagement you have shown us over the years. It is you, our readers, who have made this journey possible and worthwhile. We can't wait to bring you along as we start this new chapter in our journey.


Sam Adams

Co-Founder, dot.LA